Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Simon Turns 5!

Another birthday party! Last month my co-worker Cindy threw a birthday party for her son Simon. He turned 5 and he loves the color red (like me!) and Spongebob. He's also into golfing, karate, and soccer. Her boys are really adorable. I love listening to what they do and say when she tells us stories about them during our lunch break. Cindy ordered these cute custom made M&M's. Some of the candies had his face printed on them. Others had the words "Happy Birthday". She asked me to help make party favors for the candy. Originally we were going to put the candy in a clear plastic bag and I was going to make custom Thank You flaps to close the bags. I thought of cutting out little "Simons" and having the words "Thank you for coming to my party" printed on them. But she wanted something that the kids would keep and not destroy. I agreed 100%! (Especially considering the time it takes to make them)

Cindy suggested bookmarks which I thought was a great idea. Not only is it personalized but it's also educational. Perfect for 5 year olds.

So.....I started working at 10pm and I finished at about 3:00am. Took a little nap and put all of the goodies in a bag and brought them to work for Cindy. I totally forgot to take pictures but thank god Cindy took pics with her awesome fancy shmancy camera. (Thanks Cindy!) It took me a while to post these pictures because I had to transfer them from my thumb drive to my desktop computer.

I haven't exactly mastered the art of making bookmarks, but I thought they came out cute. Altogether, I made personalized favor gift bags, bookmarks, and thank you cards for 3 boys and 3 girls. Check out the spread below! (I was trying out different colored pieces of patterned paper as I was making them, so that explains why they are all a little different :)

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